6- What is Life?

Life is something most people ask about it and try to figure out how to deal with it. Briefly speaking, life is ourselves, it's nature, it's Animals, it's Universe and everything surrounding us. Because we can't live without people, creatures and things around us: we can't live alone.
If we want to know the meaning of life, we have to know ourselves first, because we are the door for knowledge, through our education, and studies, and researches, and thoughts, and experience we gather knowledge and we create our own world the way we see it is better. And that's why we have different points of view and we live in different ways and under different circumstances. And that's why some of us choose to be criminals and killers and destroy others' lives and nations, why others choose to live regular life doing as much good as possible and helping people and nations in need and building good people and nations. That is to say, some people live to destroy, and some live to build.
So, life is a relationship between humans and each other, and between humans and all other creatures and things around. The only difference occur in the beliefs. and these beliefs are only sets of rules and law and manners that gives guidance to each one of us HOW we have to live (or specifically: HOW I have to live): how I have to eat, how I have to walk, how I have to speak, how I have to drink, how I have to sleep, how I have to deal with others, how I have to treat others, how I have to treat animals, how I have to treat nature, How much I have to use of anything....etc.
However, under each type (kind) of belief there some people who doesn't want to use their brains at all, and some others who doesn't want to use their brains the right way. Meaning they don't tend to understand well what their belief says to them to do, then they just deal with anything the way they want and the way they believe its right without putting their beliefs into consideration, or by interpreting what their beliefs say, which lead to make them destroy everything around them and gives the wrong intention about their beliefs to others. And this is something happened since Adam peace and blessings be upon him until the messenger of Allah Muhammad peace and blessings be upon him, while the follower of each messengers been misguided by their own desires and by being obsessed by money and wealth and power.
So, life is what we belief in, and how we react about everything around us. Then we need to carefully choose our beliefs and we need to carefully understand our beliefs as it is set by whom we worship. And the true life is through worshipping the one God (Allah) and this is a time for you to search about Islam carefully and not to look to Muslims as Islam because they do a lot of wrong things nowadays and they are simply humans they do mistakes too.