1- Who is Allah?
Allah is an Arabic word that define God
Recently I found a lot of videos and inappropriate articles that gives defenitly wrong information about Allah. In this videos and articles they are just insulting Allah with just estimations and wrong explanation of the word.
First we need to define some words and give the right translation of the words related to God:
1- "ilaah" (إله) this is the exact Arabic word that equal the word God. In English God refers to anyone or anything considered as holy and has the full power to do anything, and that it/he should be worshipped. And this is the same to the Arabic word "ilaah".
2- "rab" (رب), this word too means God, and exactly it means the the responsible and the powerful who has control over something/anything, and it could be used to talk about humans in power and/or in charge of something, such as the father in a family he can be called in the meaning of which "the god of the family" (in Arabic we say "rab al osrah" رب الأسرة ), The boss in a company could be called "the god of the work/employment" "رب العمل". However, this does not mean we worship them, but it is just a metaphore to the great position they are in charge of and that others are working under them and following their orders, it is not necessary praising them or thinking that they treat others so bad, and so on. This is only a METHAPHORE used in Arabic language to point to the person in charge of/taking care of so many people, meaning a person of responsibility and it does not indicate praising nor insulting or making fear of. Though, using the word "rab" lonely and single it refers to God who is worshipped, as well using it associated with holy places or with holy names of God such as: "God of sky", "God of the world(s)"..etc. also, when swearing/making oath.
3- Allah (الله), it is how God named Himself in the holy Quran, and it is unique and refers only to the worshipped God, the only one God. And this word has never been used before from Arabs to refer to any of their worshiped idoles. It was first indicated in the holy Quran to refer to the only one God who is worshipped by Muslims. Some stupid comments and articles says that "Allah" ( الله) refers to " al laat" (اللات) which was an idol worshipped before Islam from Arabs. which means and very clear they are entirly two different names, different letters, different perspectives, and two different worshipped gods, one is an idol which is "al laat" (اللات) and the real and only one God "Allah" (الله). So, the meaning of Allah (الله) is: "the only one God worthy of worshipping". Even in the bible in Arabic language when they talk about "the one god worthy of worshipping" they say: "Allah" (الله).
And for more details we need to go to the holy Quran to understand the truth and reality behind that. Allah talked about the worshipped idol "al laat" (اللات) in the Noble Quran, Chapter 53 (an Najm) verse 19 to 26, Allah the almighty said in the meaning of which: " Have ye thought upon Al-Laat and Al-'Uzza (19) And Manat, the third, the other? (20) Are yours the males and His the females? (21) That indeed were an unfair division! (22) They are but names which ye have named, ye and your fathers, for which Allah hath revealed no warrant. They follow but a guess and that which (they) themselves desire. And now the guidance from their Lord hath come unto them. (23) Or shall man have what he coveteth? (24) But unto Allah belongeth the after (life), and the former. (25) And how many angels are in the heavens whose intercession availeth naught save after Allah giveth leave to whom He chooseth and accepteth". And by reading this verses and reading the explanation through what the prophet Muhammad peace and blessings be upon him said, and through historical events, this idole is one amongst three worshipped idols "al laat" (اللات), "al 'oza" (العزى), and "manaat" (مناة). These three idols from both the verses in the holy Quran and from historical events, used to be told as god's "daughters", meaning they are females where Allah (God) is not considering gender for Him, He is just the only one God who should be worshipped. Moreover, in the Holy Quran, whenever Allah is talking about Himself, and whenever He wants to mention Himself He uses the word "Allah" (الله). Also, "al l.at" (اللات) is been referred to in the holy Quran only once in the precedent verse that denied "al laat" (اللات) to be god.
Generally speaking, hater against Islam, Musim, Quran, Muhammad peace and blessings be upon him, and Allah, is in growth and it is spreaded through false clamings and wrong explainations of Arabic words and the wrong way to discuss and explain the Holy Quran. People do not even know Arabic languages, nor they studied the Arabic language and the historical events concerning Arabs idolism and concerning Quran verses. Generally speaking, Quran and Islam is being attacked agressivly through interpretations and expectations and through the haters others have, and through the wrong belifs they have against Islam. One more thing, if you really consider quran to be false and to be evilish, you are automatically saying that the Bible, the Torah, Moses scriptures are evil too, simply because what the Quran comes with is Morals that other prophets and books of Allah comes with, when you read and understand the Holy Quran you will understand that the only difference between it and others books is in "Who is God", and what makes a little difference is that the Holy Quran comes with the best solutions to prevent blood shedding and to prevent hurting each other, and it comes with the best solutions to prevent crimes from occuring. However, people are following the media and their benefits, and they don't spend little time in using their brains, they like to have everything ready for them and it's enough for them that others are thinking.
Finally, everybody is talking about human rights, freedom of press and (self) expressing, freedom of religion, the freedom to do what you like, except being Muslim, choosing Islam as religion, believing in Allah and in the Quran, defending them and defending the prophet Muhammad peace and blessings be upon him and all the prophets and messengers of Allah. Whenever it comes to Islam and Quran it means terrorism, evil, destraction, war, killing... and non stop accusations, while armies all over the world are destroying the world in real but they are concidered as heros, as peace makers, as fighting terrorism (they already made and create), where the majority of killed people are "innocents" who does not even have guns, who just seek to get their daily food and a shelter from cold and danger they are facing daily. That is to say, Most people around the world stopped thinking and stopped using their brain (properly). Enjoy your life and have fun we are all going to die, and everyone is already schedueled for a certain time, even the entire world has its final day. Be sure that Muslims are always the winners because they are ready to die anytime, and they can never kill for no reason because they believe that what Allah hates the most is killing especially killing the believers.
And it's enough for me to recite to you this small chapter from the Holy Quran which shows why the Holy Quran and Islam come. Allah the almighty says in chapter 109 (Al Kaafiroun): "Say: O disbelievers! (1) I worship not that which ye worship; (2) Nor worship ye that which I worship. (3) And I shall not worship that which ye worship. (4) Nor will ye worship that which I worship. (5) Unto you your religion, and unto me my religion. (6)"